Faithfulness: Our story is one of long-term relationships. Throughout our history and our travels, we have met people whose shared values and vision mean that they have become part of our story. We have worked with some of them for over 30 years.
Authenticity: Ours is not a tale of mass production and uniformity. Conversely, we have chosen the path of freedom and independence which we believe allows us to retain the integrity of our brand. Every member of our small team is deeply attached to our aims and ambitions and carries out their tasks to the very best of their ability.

Sensibility: Curiosity, novelty, the detailed, meticulous work of an artisan - for creativity to thrive there must be sensibility to the world which surrounds us. The constant inspiration it provides is at the root of our creativity. And in turn, the object that you choose from Le Monde Sauvage speaks volumes about you and your emotional responses.
Audacity: Follow your intuition, let your instinct be your guide, try new things... Displaying your difference is not about posturing, it’s a fundamental need that allows you to stay true to your identity. Inspiration is everywhere if you keep your eyes wide open. Deviating from what is ‘on trend’ is the best way to give life to your creative instincts and to avoid following the herd. Taking risks is a creative necessity.