Décoration intérieure de Ludmila Jurcik Right arrow

Conversation avec Ludmila Jurcik

Passionnés de déco, mais perdus une fois votre magazine préféré refermé ? Pas de panique ! Des personnalités que nous adorons partagent leur vision unique de ...
plateau coussin Right arrow

Conversation avec Isabelle Masson

Passionnés de déco, mais perdus une fois votre magazine préféré refermé ? Pas de panique ! Des personnalités que nous adorons partagent leur vision unique de ...
Conversation avec Aurélie Deglane Right arrow

Conversation avec Aurélie Deglane

Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux personnalités qui nous sont chè...
Conversation avec Karolänn Bapté Right arrow

Conversation avec Karolänn Bapté

Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux personnalités qui nous sont chè...
Retail story à Lorient Right arrow

Retail story à Lorient

Escapade à Lorient, à la rencontre de Marc et Rozenn dans leur jolie boutique Un Week-end sur deux, située cours de la Bôve. Le couple de restaurateurs lâche les fourneaux en 2011 pour se l...
Retail story à Lille Right arrow

Retail story à Lille

Dans leur charmante boutique au cœur du Vieux Lille, un couple de passionnés se lance en 2011 dans la création de la boutique S...
Conversation avec Lorène K. Right arrow

Conversation avec Lorène K.

Il a suffit d’un saut dans notre Popopop pour que le crush ait lieu. Les rencontres, c’est parfois aussi simple que ça : une ch...
Conversation avec Julia Schmit & Anne Fath Right arrow

Conversation avec Julia Schmit & Anne Fath

Pour Julia et Anne, travailler main dans la main est leur meilleur atout. À la tête de @agence_june, elles composent à quatre mains des intérieurs raffinés en portant une attention particulière au ...
Conversation avec Marion Saude Right arrow

Conversation avec Marion Saude

Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux ...
Conversation avec Julie Lacour Right arrow

Conversation avec Julie Lacour

Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux personnalités qui nous sont c...
Conversation avec Victoria Douyère Right arrow

Conversation avec Victoria Douyère

  Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux personnalités qui nous sont chères et qui ont eu la gentillesse ...
Conversation avec Lucie Charasson Right arrow

Conversation avec Lucie Charasson

    Intimidant le milieu arty ? Designers, galeristes, artistes : invitation dans l’univers de créatifs passionnés qui nous livrent leur vision de l’art avec ferveur. Aujourd’hui la paro...
Conversation avec Cyrielle Wattinne Right arrow

Conversation avec Cyrielle Wattinne

  Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux personnalités qui nous sont chères et qui ont eu la gentillesse ...
Conversation avec Diane de Sédouy Right arrow

In conversation with Diane de Sédouy

  You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who ...
Conversation avec Quitterie de Pascal Right arrow

In conversation with Quitterie de Pascal

  You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who h...
Papier peint SOURCES édition limitée Right arrow

SOURCES limited edition wallpaper

Caroline Bouyer x LMS   Chez Caroline au Pré-Saint-Gervais ; au mur, le modèle Ménilmontant     The SOURCES wallpaper is part of a limited edition w...
Conversation avec Caroline Bouyer Right arrow

In conversation with Caroline Bouyer

  Caroline Bouyer x LMS, the collab !     Caroline, canyou introduce yourself? My name is Caroline Bouyer and I’m an artist. I draw and I also specialise in...
Conversation avec Marilyne Salini Right arrow

In conversation with Marilyne Salini

    You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalitie...
Conversation avec Yanna Williams Right arrow

In conversation with Yanna Williams

  You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who havebeen ...
Conversation avec Lucie Rouland - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Lucie Rouland

  You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine,how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who havebeen ...
Conversation avec Santillane de Chanaleilles - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Santillane de Chanaleilles

  You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine,how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who havebeen...
Conversation avec Margot Henry - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Margot Henry

You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine,how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who havebeen kind e...
Conversation avec Sophie @levoyageinterieur - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Sophie @levoyageinterieur

  What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... We turn to the interior designers who we particularly admire and who have been kind enough to sh...
Conversation avec Atelier Hans - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Atelier Hans

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the int...
Conversation avec Caroline Debono @ateliercvd - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Caroline Debono @ateliercvd

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the inte...
Conversation avec Aurélie Lécuyer - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Aurélie Lecuyer

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... We turn to the interior designers who we particularly admire and who have been kind enough to share...
Conversation avec Alexandra @belettepetite - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

Conversation avec Alexandra @belettepetite

  Vous êtes mordus de déco mais, une fois votre joli magazine fermé, comment adapter les préceptes de pros chez vous ? Place aux personnalités qui nous sont chères et qui ont eu la gentillesse ...
Conversation avec Florence Bourel - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Florence Bourel

  You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have bee...
Conversation avec Fabienne Spahn - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Fabienne Spahn

You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been kind...
Conversation avec Atelier Tyzon - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In Conversation with Atelier Tyzon

 You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home?Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been k...
Conversation avec Alexandra Paoli - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Alexandra Paoli

 You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home?Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been k...
Conversation avec Estelle Quilici - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Estelle Quilici

  You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine,how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who havebeen...
Conversation avec Vanessa Faivre - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Vanessa Faivre

You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine,how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who havebeen kind e...
Conversation avec Gaël Reyre - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Gaël Reyre

For more than 20 years I worked for Marie Claire Maison where I was the style director. I was always on the lookout for new ideas and trends (this was before Instagram remember ;)) that I co...
Conversation avec Audrey Chamoret Devergne - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Audrey Chamoret Devergne

Parisienne, entrepreneuse, maman, j’aime le beau, les lieux, les voyages, la vie, les gens. Je suis une contemplatrice toujours à la recherche de la compréhension esthétique du monde.
Conversation avec Céline Boclaud - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Céline Boclaud

  You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have be...
Conversation avec Charlotte Féquet - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Charlotte Féquet

 You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been ...
Conversation avec Raphaëlle Levet - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Raphaëlle Levet

  What to do when you are mad about interior designand your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to th...
Conversation avec Florence @lappartementparisien - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Florence Elkouby

 What to do when you are mad about interior designand your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the...
Conversation avec Charlotte Camus - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Charlotte Camus

    You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities...
Conversation avec Eugénie de Mortemart - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Eugénie de Mortemart

  You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have be...
Conversation avec Ilaria Fatone - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Ilaria Fatone

  You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have be...
Conversation avec Cécile Misc - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Cécile Misc

You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been kind ...
Conversation avec Katia Soussan - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Katia Soussan

  You are a decoration addict,but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have bee...
Conversation avec Rebecca Kierszbaum - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Rebecca Kierszbaum

You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been kind...
Conversation avec Aude Christin - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Aude Christin

You are a decoration addict, but once you’ve closed aside your favorite magazine, how to adapt the precepts of the experts at home? Here are some of our favourite personalities who have been kind ...
Conversation avec Charlotte Cadé - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Charlotte Cadé

  What to do when you are mad about interior designand  your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style:  learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We ...
Conversation avec Annabelle - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Annabelle

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style:  learn from the pros from the comfort of your...
Conversation avec Caroline Andréoni - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Caroline Andréoni

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the i...
Conversation avec Céline Danton - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Céline Danton

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favorite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the i...
Conversation avec Marianne Evennou - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow
Marianne Evennou

In conversation with Marianne Evennou

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favourite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the i...
Conversation avec Marie F. - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Marie F.

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favourite store has had to close.. A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the in...
Conversation avec Mélanie T. - Le Monde Sauvage Right arrow

In conversation with Mélanie T.

What to do when you are mad about interior design and your favourite store has had to close... A lesson in interior style: learn from the pros from the comfort of your own home We turn to the ...